Wow, we have had a great half term and kicked 2025 off with a bang! We have been so lucky to do so many fun things! We have been writing in the style of Anthony Browne in our English lessons. One of our books was called Zoo and we wrote balanced arguments about zoos. Of course we had to visit our local zoo, Dudley Zoo! We had such a fun time getting up close to the tigers! We got roared at by the lion and the orangutan had us laughing with her crazy straw hairstyle! We also had our Egyptian Day, where we dressed up, learned to dance like an Egyptian, created headbands, learned all about different leaders and sketched a fantastic drawing of the pyramids.
Wow what an amazing second half term we have had! We celebrated Remembrance Day by writing poems and drawing poppies in the style of Georgia O’Keefe. In Science we have learnt about soils and nutrition! Through our Art topic we created collage pictures inspired by Brazilian artist, Beatriz Milhazes. We have worked on our enterprise skills by creating gifts to sell at the Christmas Fayre. Our favourite day must have been when it snowed and linked to our descriptive writing on polar climates so we got to go outside! We were super lucky to get a visit from Dogs Trust to learn about being safe around dogs.
Wow! What a fab first term of Year 3 we had! We did so much in such a short amount of time. The children have been loved learning all about the Stone Age in their History lessons. They have worked hard on their cave art, practising their skills with stencils, chalk, charcoal and even made their own paint using mud! The children also worked on their chronology skills by ordering the events in the Stone Age period. We performed our class assembly on the Stone Age and had a fab day going back to the past for our Stone Age Day! Linking to their topic, children have learned about rocks and fossils in Science. They have identified and grouped rocks based on their properties. We also worked super hard in our Maths lessons and are now exposed to numbers all the way up to 1000. The children have really impressed us with their writing skills. It’s great to see them rising to new challenges!