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Milking Bank Primary School

To go further than I thought; to run faster than I hoped; to reach higher than I dreamed.

Parent Council

Milking Bank 'Parent Voice' Team


Parental engagement and the importance of involving families in their child's learning is paramount to us at Milking Bank. We are proud to introduce our recently established 'Parent Voice' Team, which is a representative body for all parents at Milking Bank Primary. 

It is designed to be parent-friendly and it's a great opportunity to become more involved in, and more informed about, the decisions which affect your child's school. 


What are the aims of the 'Parent Voice' Team?

There are five main aims:

  • To work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming and inclusive environment. 
  • To develop a stronger partnership between the school and parents/carers in order to support and promote pupils' learning and bring about change. 
  • To identify and represent all parents' views on educational and welfare matters.
  • To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils. 
  • To support the work of the Milking Bank Home School Association (HSA).


To contact a member of the Parent Voice Team please send an email to


