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Milking Bank Primary School

To go further than I thought; to run faster than I hoped; to reach higher than I dreamed.

News and Events

We are celebrating Children's Mental Health Awareness Week 3 - 7th Feb. Take a look at our Parent Letter and Assembly

Please take a look at our Chatterbox Workshop video made by Bedazzle and our children in years 4 and 6 during Children's Mental Health Day 2024

Chatterbox Workshop Video

Still image for this video

We are celebrating Children's Mental Health Awareness on Wednesday February 7th 2024. Take a look at our school assembly and workshops.

We are supporting Children's Mental Health Week 2023

Children’s Mental Health Week 2023


Children’s Mental Health Week 2023 will take place from 6-12 February 2023. This year’s theme is Let’s Connect. 


Let’s Connect is about making meaningful connections for all, during Children’s Mental Health Week – and beyond. 


For Children’s Mental Health Week 2023, we’re encouraging people to connect with others in healthy, rewarding, and meaningful ways. Watch the video below to learn more about the theme.


Run by the charity Place2Be, the website contains a range of free resources. This includes a section for parents and carers containing stories and tips for both adults and children.



Children's Mental Health week - Try out this 'Growing Together' activity at home.

We are celebrating Children's Mental Health Week 7th-13th February 2022

Watch our Mental Health Awareness Assembly October 2021

Watch our Mental Health Awareness Week May 2021 assembly

To celebrate Children's Mental Health Week Year 5 have taken part in group activities to help focus the mind.

We are proud to be supporting Children's Mental Health Week 1st-7th February 2021

Mental Health Awareness Week 18th-22nd May 2020

It's a new month - can you complete the May 31 day well being calendar? Have a go and let us know how you get on!

Milking Bank's Wellbeing Week July 2018
