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Milking Bank Primary School

To go further than I thought; to run faster than I hoped; to reach higher than I dreamed.

Step Inside Year Five

Welcome to our Year 5 Class Page! Please have a look through at the amazing things we have been up to in Year 5 this year!

Summer Term

As part of our Science topic of Reversible and Irreversible changes we made Tea and Toast on Monday morning. We heated the toast using a toaster, a change that is irreversible as you can then now un-cook/un-toast the toast to make bread again. 

We have been learning about measurements in our Maths lessons this week. We explored capacity and used our knowledge of millilitre and litre conversions to complete different investigations. This included: predicting how many cups would fill a container, balanced scales with both water and objects and completed a converting units task. Lots of fun was had exploring and plenty of water was spilled.

We had a brilliant day celebrating ‘Earth Day’ in school. We looked at the impact of different factors, such as deforestation and pollution, on countries around the world. In Year 5, we were tasked with conducting an in-depth study focused on Argentina. We wore green clothes to represent the Earth and our wonderful nature.


Some of the activities that we completed on the day included: learning more about what Earth Day is and the charity 'Just One Tree', researching information about Argentina and the problems faced with their environment and listening to a 'Now Press Play' linked to flooding and the negative effects it can have.


Enjoy some photos of our day below!

In Maths today, we revised our knowledge of area and perimeter. We did this by recapping the learning we have done in the topic so far. We also used Chromebooks to play games linked to our learning which involved creating shapes with certain areas and perimeters. We will now use this knowledge to complete our end of unit test.

Year 5 took part in a Now Press Play. We recapped our learning from the previous day all about the Water Cycle. Some of the key vocabulary we studied was Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Transpiration, Runoff, Liquid and Gas. 


Best of all, we had fun whilst learning!

5S enjoyed completing their Bikeability level 2 course this week on Wednesday and Thursday. The children learnt the A B C D for how to check their bikes before going on a ride. Children then learnt about the importance of balance whilst riding their bikes and the important points they must follow to stay safe. 


On day 2 the sun even came out to say hello! Children learnt how to ride safely on the road, turning at junctions, priority on the roads and signalling. It was a great learning experience for all of the children who participated. 

Spring Term

As part of our Easter celebrations, children have designed Easter Eggs based on their favourite things. It was amazing to see the diverse range of eggs and the time and effort that was put into them. Well done to all children and parents who took part! 

As part of our World Book Week, we studied angles. We have been looking at the legend of Robin Hood, who was an amazing archer! We used his archery skills and watched a video of more recent archers to complete work all about acute, right and obtuse angles. 

On the afternoon of Greek day, we put our knowledge to the test about what we had learnt in the morning by completing an ancient Greek quiz and playing a game that ancient Greek men used to play! We then went back to the hall and acted out more amazing myths. We learnt about how 3 Greek goddesses argued about who was the prettiest and why they should be chosen as the most beautiful goddess. We also learnt about the story of Cupid and how his actions had a big impact on the gods. 

We then put our learning of the ancient Greek Olympics and competed in our own mini Olympic games! 

On the morning of Greek Day, we learnt all about the Greek gods and goddesses and how they defeated the evil Titans! We had children acting out the ancient Greek stories. It looks like we may have some future actors and actresses in the Year group! We also used our resilience and teamwork skills to complete an ancient Greek puzzle, even the teachers struggled to complete it!

Year 5 participated in the Maths Enrichment day at school. We did activities such as code breaking, budgeting, business models and shape. We had a great day!

Our Topics for the Spring term are Greece and Ancient Greece. We were introduced to the topic by participating in a 'Now Press Play' activity where we travelled across Athens, Sparta and Olympia. We learnt about part of the ancient Olympics and a war between Sparta and Athens. 

Autumn Term

We have taken part in Anti-Bullying week from 13th to the 17th November. During this week we completed a workshop with Loudmouth where we all became 'Bully Busters'. We discussed different scenarios of bullying and talked about who you can go to if you need any support or advice. In our classes, we then completed a Now Press Play, which was all about bullying in a school environment and at a fair. We discussed how we can prevent bullying from happening in our lives. 


Still image for this video

In Science we have started our new topic of Materials and their properties. We researched new vocabulary in a dictionary and then used this to describe materials in our 'feely bag' 

In year 5, we have completed work on Remembrance day and why we celebrate this in our country. We also attended Gornal memorial where we placed a Poppy wreath and paid our respects to the fallen soldiers from our local area. We also found out information about the fallen soldiers and added this information to the Memorial for people to read. 

We made our very own burgers from scratch based on our topic of California. WE LOVED THEM! 

Year 5 took part in a Now Press Play all about the environment. 

In Computing we looked at how we can stay safe online. The children produced comic strips to show different scenarios they may find themselves in and how they can make sure they stay safe. 

In music we have learnt part 1 of the song, Ghost Parade. We competed in classes against each other to see who the next superstar singers might be! We also used a range of instruments to enhance our musical skills.  

We completed a practical session all about Friction. We compared different materials and the speed it took for items to travel down the ramp. There were definitely some unexpected results! 

We worked in small groups to complete Place Value work with numbers up to 1,000,000. 

We worked individually to collect facts all about Malala Yousafzai ready to write a biography. 

Our Year 5 displays ready for the Autumn term. We look forward to seeing lots of work on the boards!
