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Milking Bank Primary School

To go further than I thought; to run faster than I hoped; to reach higher than I dreamed.


The governors of Milking Bank work collaboratively with the Head Teacher. Members of the Governing Body are made up of elected parents, co-opted governors, one LA governor and a staff governor. All governors are appointed for a period of four years.


School governing bodies are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education. Together with the Headteacher, who is responsible for day-to-day management, they set the school's aims and policies. 


Milking Bank's Governing Body consists of: 

  • The headteacher
  • 1 staff governor
  • 1 local authority appointed governor
  • 4 parent governors
  • 5 co-opted governors


Key roles of governors:

  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • To hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent 


They also carry out a number of other important duties, which include:

  • Determining how the school's budget is spent
  • The appointing and dismissing of staff
  • Hearing appeals and grievances
  • Forming policy on the school's curriculum and collective worship
  • Setting standards for pupils' behaviour and discipline
  • Making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe
  • Setting and monitoring the school's aims and policies  


Who can be a school governor? 

You don't have to have children at the school to be a governor. However, you do have to be over 18, and pass a formal check for your suitability to be within a school.  No specific qualifications are required but there are certain expectations.

What's really important is that you have the skills, time and commitment to help drive school improvement and the passion and ambition to achieve the best possible education for children and young people. Effective governance will include these core features:

  • Commitment to ongoing development and to getting to know the school well, including effective induction.
  • Commitment to playing an active part whilst working as part of a team.
  • Ability to provide robust challenge and hold school leaders to account whilst listening to and respecting the views of others.
  • Focus on a strategic role rather than involvement in operational matters.


How to Contact the Governors

Our Chair of Governors can be contacted via the school office.


Phone: 01384 816695


Parent Governors


Parent governors are your voice in decisions about how our school is run. They are elected by the parents through a ballot. If you have any queries, the names of your representatives are shown below. 


At present, the members of the Governing Body are:



Name of GovernorRole ResponsibilitiesFirst AppointedTerm of Office
Mr Matt Cox (Chair)Co-opted

Safeguarding and Child Protection


Finance and Personnel

01/10/201012/03/2022 - 11/03/2026
Mrs Vicky Cunningham (Vice Chair)Local AuthorityMaths01/10/201025/06/2022 - 24/06/2026
Mr Carl MorrisCo-opted

Online Safety

Finance and Personnel 


 16/07/2019 - 15/07/2023

Mrs Jill HallCo-opted Early Years


   16/11/2020 - 15/11/2024
Mr Trevor HallCo-opted Health and Safety16/10/2006 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2023
Ms Emma MiddletonCo-opted



22/11/202226/10/2022 - 25/10/2026
Mr Alex SmithStaff  New Governor




Mrs Karen Brass


Head Teacher

 04/09/2017     04/09/2017
Mr Scott WortonParentCurriculum14/12/202014/12/2020 - 13/12/2024
Mrs Kimberley Hill-WheatleyParentPSHE and RSE28/04/202228/04/2022 - 27/04/2026
Mr Andrew RobertsParentSports and PE28/04/202228/04/2022 - 27/04/2026
Mr Darren Price-GoldenParent New Governor




Register of Business Interests


No governors have any business interests, however two governors have a link with a member of staff at Milking Bank Primary School.


One of Milking Bank's governors, is a member of another school's governing body.   


September 2022

Governors Code of Conduct

Governors - Schedule of Meetings 2022-23
