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Milking Bank Primary School

To go further than I thought; to run faster than I hoped; to reach higher than I dreamed.


27.6.24 Mrs. James's Group

27.6.24 Miss Wilcox's Group

20.6.24 Mrs James's phonics group (not class)

20.6.24 Miss Wilcox's phonics group (not class)

14.6.24 Mrs. James's phonics group (not class)

14.6.24 Miss Wilcox's phonics group (not class)


We have been revising for our Phonics Screen Check next week, so there are no new phonics pages to work. Next week we shall be starting our new half term, in the meantime, please check with your child which phonics group they are in (Miss Wilcox's or Mrs James's) as the work will be different. Thank you.

Please review all graphemes and alien words from this half term. For this purpose, encourage sound talk out loud and blending. Please also find the QR codes in you child's planner to access additional Phonics Screen Checks to practise.
