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Milking Bank Primary School

To go further than I thought; to run faster than I hoped; to reach higher than I dreamed.

Our Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Intent


To go further than I thought,

to run faster than I hoped,

to reach higher than I dreamed.


Milking Bank’s curriculum is designed to give all pupils the opportunities to succeed in acquiring the skills, knowledge and attributes for academic success as well as a fulfilling and successful life beyond school. It recognises and celebrates diversity and provides a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum experience. Pupils and their families are respectfully treated as individuals and encouraged to be critical thinkers who play an active role in their learning. Pupil voice is strong and pupils are given responsibilities to contribute and shape the school and its activities. The school is passionate about supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of its pupils and also encourages pupils to be respectful of the needs of others within school and the wider community: locally, nationally and globally.


How is the curriculum designed to develop pupils as successful learners and achieve our vision?


Pupils experience:

  • High quality, inspirational and innovative teaching and learning.
  • A safe, secure and caring environment in which to work and learn.
  • Creative, exciting and memorable experiences outside and within the classroom
  • High quality resources and facilities to support learning, including high quality ICT resources.
  • Support for individual needs.
  • A range of extra-curricular opportunities to cater for different needs, interests and talents.


For pupils to be successful learners and make good or better progress the following values should be:


Displayed by pupils:

  • Enjoyment and engagement in school events
  • Taking responsibility for leading themselves and others
  • Being actively engaged in school and the wider community
  • Accepting hard work and discipline as requirements for success


Recognised by the school:

  • As unique individuals
  • Contributing to the diversity of the school and community
  • Achieving in all areas of school life: academically, socially, in sport, the Arts, languages, community and be recognised and praised accordingly


Develop together:

  • Attitudes, characteristics, self-belief and resilience to tackle and achieve challenges now and in future life
  • Good relationships and friendships
  • Moral values and tolerance of all, including religious and cultural differences.
  • Skills, knowledge and commitment to become successful life-long learners.


Milking Bank is a forward-looking school that recognises the importance of the support of the governing body, school networks, families and the wider community. Consequently, it forges many links to enhance the school’s provision and improve opportunities for its pupils.
