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Milking Bank Primary School

To go further than I thought; to run faster than I hoped; to reach higher than I dreamed.

Our Eco-Committee

Welcome to our Eco page – where you can meet the team!


Our ‘Eco-Warriors’ meet up at least once every half term and are dedicated pupils in understanding and promoting the 'Eco-Code' for our school.


We have recently been awarded with our Green Flag Eco Award with Distinction!


We completed an environmental review to see what actions we wanted to implement this year. We decided on these three topics:


To recycle more items than just paper in school

As a school, we now recycle paper, old pens, batteries and crisp packets. We are really pleased with how many items we are now recycling and are eager to think of more items we could add to our list.


To take part in a charity event that will help to tackle an environmental issue

For our Geography Enrichment Day, we raised money for 'Just One Tree', a non-profit organisation who for every £1 we raise, they will plant one tree all over the world. Each year group were given a country that they plant trees in to find out about the issues they are having and how Just One Tree are helping them. We raised £184 in total for this day!


To take part in litter picking in our school and the local community

Our Eco-Warriors and Rights Respecting Ambassadors took part in The Great British Spring Clean. Children used litter pickers to collect any pieces of litter in our local area. We had great fun! We also have set up a rota in school so that each year group can use these litter pickers around school to make sure we stay a clean school.


We even have a lot of great ideas that we would like to implement over the course of the year, so keep a look out for these on this page.


Thank you for visiting!
